

Used for resigning and disconnecting.


def Resign
  int8 :action_identifier
  int8 :player_number
  int8 :player_id
  int32 :disconnect


Always has the value 0x0b.

The player’s number which can be changed in the lobby. Is only different from :player_id if playing in coop mode.

The ID of the player.

Determines whether the player gave up himself (0x00) or was disconnected (0x01).


0b 02 03 00

0b — action_identifier
02 — player_number
03 — player_id
00 — disconnect

Save Game

Used for saving the game.


def Save
  int8 :action_identifier
  int8 :exit
  int8 :player_id
  array :filename,
        type => :int8
  unknown :memory
  int32 :checksum


Always has the value 0x1b.

Represents whether this action is a normal Save (0x00) or a Save & Exit (0x01).

The ID of the player saving the game.

The filename of the savegame in ASCII characters.

The space between filename and checksum is filled with uninitialized memory.

The last 4 bytes are a checksum.


0000   1b 00 01 78 79 7a 2e 6d 73 78 00 7b 78 79 7a 00
0010   00 00 00 00 7e cd 83 7b 5b f3 83 7b 00 8c ff 3f
0020   00 00 00 80 03 00 00 00 b0 d7 32 00 03 00 00 00
0030   80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
0040   b0 d7 32 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00
0050   06 f3 83 7b 88 d7 32 00 09 00 00 00 80 00 00 00
0060   ff ff ff ff cc d7 32 00 63 51 61 00 00 00 00 00
0070   63 51 61 00 3c d8 32 00 00 00 00 80 03 00 00 00
0080   b0 d7 32 00 03 00 00 00 87 51 61 00 02 00 00 00
0090   d2 ed 66 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00
00a0   00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 80
00b0   03 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 f8 d7 32 00 9d 94 61 00
00c0   3c d8 32 00 00 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 a4 01 00 00
00d0   54 6d 14 0b 50 65 14 0b 58 6e 14 0b 00 00 00 00
00e0   00 00 00 00 b0 d7 79 0c 9d 39 61 00 3c d8 32 00
00f0   d0 ed 66 00 40 00 00 00 08 1b 68 00 b0 39 61 00
0100   3c d8 32 00 d0 ed 66 00 2c 00 00 00

1b — action_identifier
00 — exit
01 — player_id
78 79 7a 2e 6d 73 78 — filename
2c 00 00 00 — checksum

Diplomacy, Cheats and Game Speed

Used for diplomacy, cheating and changing the game’s speed.


def Diplomacy
  int8 :action_identifier
  int8 :action_type
  int8 :source_player_number
  int8 :zero
  int8 :option
  byte24 :zero2
  float :option2
  int8 :diplomatic_stance
  byte24 :zero3


Always has the value 0x67.

Represents the specific action that was taken (diplomatic, changing speed or cheating).

Hex Value Action
0x00 Diplomacy
0x01 Change Game Speed
0x04 Cheat Response (if cheat is activated for all players; only "aegis")
0x05 Allied Victory
0x06 Cheat
0x0a Research Treason (only Regicide)
0x0b AI policy

The player number of the player who has executed the action. In Cheat Responses, the value is 0x01 when “aegis” was turned on and 0x00 when it is turned off.

The byte after :source_player_number is always zero.

Only used for diplomacy and cheats. Stays at 0x00 for game speed. The purpose of the option depends on the action. For diplomacy, this value represents the player number of the player who is targeted by the diplomatic action (which can be the same player number as :source_player_number when selecting “Allied Victory”). When changing the game speed, this value is always 0x00. If the action is a cheat (0x06), then this field has the value of the CheatID, while for a cheat response the value is always 0x00.

The 3 bytes after :option are always zero.

Only used for diplomacy and changing game speed. Stays at 0x00000000 for cheats.

Hex Value Float Diplomatic Stance
0x00000000 0.0f Allied
0x3f800000 1.0f Neutral
0x40400000 3.0f Enemy
Hex Value Float Game Speed
0x3f800000 1.0f Slow
0x3fc00000 1.5f Normal
0x40000000 2.0f Fast

Only used for diplomacy. Changes depending on the diplomatic stance that was selected.

Hex Value Diplomatic Stance
0x00 Allied
0x01 Neutral
0x03 Enemy

The 3 bytes after :diplomatic_stance are always zero.



67 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 80 3f 01 00 00 00

67 — action_identifier
00 — action_type
01 — source_player_number
00 — zero
02 — option
00 00 00 — zero2
00 00 80 3f — option2
01 — diplomatic_stance
00 00 00 — zero3

Changing the game speed.

67 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 3f 00 00 00 00

67 — action_identifier
01 — action_type
01 — source_player_number
00 — zero
00 — option
00 00 00 — zero2
00 00 c0 3f — option2
00 — diplomatic_stance
00 00 00 — zero3


67 06 01 00 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

67 — action_identifier
06 — action_type
01 — source_player_number
00 — zero
68 — option
00 00 00 — zero2
00 00 00 00 — option2
00 — diplomatic_stance
00 00 00 — zero3


Used for sending resources to other players.


def Tribute
  int8 :action_identifier
  int8 :source_player_number
  int8 :target_player_number
  int8 :resource_type
  float :amount
  float :transaction_fee


Always has the value 0x6c.

The number of the player who sends the resources.

The number of the player who receives the resources.

The resource type that is send.

Hex Value Resource
0x00 Food
0x01 Wood
0x02 Stone

The amount of resources being transferred.

The transaction fee.


6c 03 01 03 00 00 c8 42 cd cc 4c 3e

6c — action_identifier
03 — source_player_number
01 — target_player_number
03 — resource_type
00 00 c8 42 — amount
cd cc 4c 3e — transaction_fee


Used for launching a flare.


def Flare
  int8 :action_identifier
  byte24 :zero
  int32 :const
  int8 :zero2
  array :receiving,
        type => :int8,
        initial_length => 8
  byte24 :zero3
  float :x_coord
  float :y_coord
  int8 :player_number
  int8 :player_id
  int16 :zero4


Always has the value 0x0b.

The 3 bytes after :action_identifier are always zero.

These 4 bytes are always 0xFFFFFFFF.

The one byte after :player_id is always zero. Could also represent “Gaia” in :receiving or be a counter of some sorts that is never used.

Every byte in this array represents a player number (first byte: player 1, second byte: player 2, …). If the value of byte X is 0x01, player X will see the flare. If the value of byte X is 0x00, player X won’t see the flare.

The 3 bytes after :receiving are always zero.

The x-coordinate of the targeted position.

The y-coordinate of the targeted position.

The player’s number which can be changed in the lobby. Is only different from :player_id if playing in coop mode.

The ID of the player.

The 3 bytes after :player_id are always zero.


73 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c7 42 00 80 33 43 03 04 00 00

73 — action_identifier
00 00 00 — zero
ff ff ff ff — const
00 — zero2
01 — receiving_p1
01 — receiving_p2
01 — receiving_p3
00 — receiving_p4
00 — receiving_p5
00 — receiving_p6
00 — receiving_p7
00 — receiving_p8
00 00 00 — zero3
00 00 c7 42 — x_coord
00 80 33 43 — y_coord
03 — player_number
04 — player_id
00 — disconnect