


and Ensemble Studios Official Strategies & Secrets to Microsoft’s Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, Bruce Shelly, 1999, published by Sybex Inc.


Age of Empires 2 uses three different algorithms for pathfinding plus two obstruction systems.

The first (high-level-)pathfinder is meant for long distances and uses mip-mapping to create a general route across the map. Criteria for the mip-map subdivision is passability. It ignores moving objects, e.g. units or wildlife, though it takes “static” object like buildings into account. Whenever a building is constructed the pathfinder gets notified and updates the corresponding mip-map chains.

Further reading: 3D Pathfinding (p. 11)

The other two pathfinders are for short and medium distances. One uses tile-based pathfinding while the other one is a polygonal pathfinder that dynamically generates convex hulls. These are used in combat situations or when units cross paths.


(Please add more examples if you know any)

...............      ...............      ...............      ...............
...............      ...............      ...............      ....XX.XXXXX...
......T........ ---> ......T........ ---> ....XXTXXXXX... ---> ....XXTXXXXX...
............... ---> ....XX.XXXXX... ---> ....XX.XXXXX... ---> ...............
....XXXXXXX....      ....XX.XXXXX...      ...............      ...............
....XXXXXXX....      ...............      ...............      ...............

Units will split up their formation if they encounter an obstruction such as a tree.

..............      ..............      ..............      ..............
..............      ..............      ..............      ....X....X....
....YYYYYY.... ---> ....YYYYYY.... ---> ....YYYYYY.... ---> ...XYYYYYYX...
.............. ---> ....XXXXXX.... ---> ...XXXXXXXX... ---> ...XXXXXXXX...
....XXXXXX....      ....XXXXXX....      ....XX..XX....      ..............
....XXXXXX....      ..............      ..............      ..............

When troops encounter an enemy formation they will try to go around to engage in combat. Though if units get killed and create a gap, the pathfinder has some difficulties to distribute units efficiently.