Convert Script

The convert script transforms media files to openage-compatible formats, and generates code for parsing the generated files. It is written in Python, Cython and contains C++ extensions.

As we are using the media assets of the original game, the input format is pre-existing and we have to deal with it.

Unfortunately the original asset binary formats are a bit “special”, so we need to convert the files to a format that is less special, and more usable. This is what the convert script does.

The convert script is divided into two parts: original media dependent and independent exports.

Converting Media

  • depends on existing original game installation

  • converts images, sounds, units and all other data values to compatible formats

  • creates files for the proprietary data package, its files will be used if free media files are missing.

Exporting Structures

  • totally independent of original game installation

  • exports original content structures

  • prevents redundancy:

    • data structures are needed for media export (to convert them)

    • data structures are needed to import them in the game

    • => structure definition at a single point.

  • generation is integrated into make system

  • generated files placed in libopenage/gamedata/

Conversion Procedure

Media Files

A media file is a sound or image file. In the original media files, they are stored in drs archives.

Each media file has an id and a file extension. Files can be “redefined” by overlay archives.

All available archives have to be ordered, so that ‘high priority’ files override ‘low priority’ files. Mods have a higher priority than the base game to be able to apply their modifications.

The overlay procedure works by assigning unique media files to the desired file source or archive.

A dict has to be filled with values to assign the data source:

(fileid, extension, destination) => (file archive)

The resulting dict is a mapping between all available media files and the archive each should be obtained from.

The files can then be converted to the appropriate format, the conversion procedure is selected by their file extension. Graphics are stored in the SLP format and are converted to png. Sounds are wav files which are compressed to opus.

Original metadata files

This data describes the configuration ane behavior of the original game and its entities. Namely this defines the available buildings, units, their creation cost, etc.

The gamedata files are parsed and converted to a huge tree of csv files. This is not optimal and will be improved soon(tm).

Data Updates

To modify any data extracted from the original files in a hardcoded manner, simply update or delete values in the parsed python data structure. These modifications can be applied like this:

def fix_data(data):
	# make lists for all units building locations
	for each unit:
		unit.building_loc = [unit.building_loc]

	delete huskarl_barracks

	# value updating is done like this:
	get_unit(data, "hussar")["hp"] = 9001
	data.terrain.terrains[6].slp_id = 1337

	return data