# engine.aux Reference documentation of the `engine.aux` module of the openage modding API. ## aux.accuracy.Accuracy ```python Accuracy(Entity): accuracy : float accuracy_dispersion : float dispersion_dropoff : DropOffType target_types : set(GameEntityType) blacklisted_entities : set(GameEntity) ``` Stores information for the accuracy calculation of a game entity with `Projectile` ability. **accuracy** The chance for the projectile to land at the "perfect" position to hit its target as a value between 0 and 1. **accuracy_dispersion** The maximum accuracy dispersion when the projectile fails the accuracy check. **dispersion_dropoff** Multiplies the maximum dispersion with a dropoff factor. The dropoff depends on the distance of the projectile spawning game entity in relation to the `max_range` of its `ShootProjectile` ability. **target_types** Lists the game entities types for which the accuracy value can be used. **blacklisted_entities** Used to blacklist game entities that have one of the types listed in `target_types`, but should not be covered by this `Accuracy` object. ## aux.animation_override.AnimationOverride ```python AnimationOverride(Entity): ability : Ability animations : set(Animation) priority : int ``` Internally overrides the animations used for an ability. The ability must be an `AnimatedAbility` when the override occurs. The override stops when * Another override of the same ability with a *greater than or equal to* (>=) is initiated * The overridden ability is deactivated * The override animation would be the same as the standard animation **ability** The ability whose animations should be overridden. This member can reference a specific ability of the game entity or an API ability. If an API ability is referenced, all its instances in the ability set of the game entity will be overridden. **animations** The replacement animations of the override. **priority** Priority of the override. Overrides are only executed if their priority is *greater than or equal to* (>=) an already existing override. The default animation of an ability always has a priority of 0. ## aux.attribute.Attribute ```python Attribute(Entity): name : TranslatedString abbreviation : TranslatedString ``` Defines an attribute that can be assigned a value range by `AttributeSetting`. Attributes are used for interaction between game entities (e.g. health) and as payment for effects. **name** The name of the attribute as a translated string. **abbreviation** Short version of the names as a translated string. ## aux.attribute.AttributeAmount ```python AttributeAmount(Entity): type : Attribute amount : int ``` A fixed amount of a certain attribute. **type** The attribute. **amount** Amount of attribute points. ## aux.attribute.AttributeRate ```python AttributeRate(Entity): type : Attribute rate : float ``` A per second rate of a certain attribute. **type** The attribute. **rate** Rate of attribute points. ## aux.attribute.AttributeSetting ```python AttributeSetting(Entity): attribute : Attribute min_value : int max_value : int starting_value : int ``` Assigns an interval for an attribute of a game entity. The game entity can have a *current attribute value* while it exists. Attribute values can be changed by abilities or effects. **attribute** Attribute the interval is defined for. **min_value** Minimum value the current attribute value can have. Can be negative. **max_value** Maximum value the current attribute value can have. **starting_value** The current attribute value when the game entity is created. ## aux.attribute.ProtectingAttribute ```python ProtectingAttribute(Attribute): protects : Attribute ``` Protects an attribute by preventing its value to be decreased by another game entity. Attribute increases by other game entities, costs and regeneration are not affected. **protects** The attribute that is protected. ## aux.attribute_change_type.AttributeChangeType ```python AttributeChangeType(Entity): ``` Used by `FlatAttributeChange` effects and resistances for matching. ## aux.attribute_change_type.type.Fallback ```python Fallback(AttributeChangeType): ``` A special type for `FlatAttributeChange`. Effects with this type are only evaluated if the accumulated applied value or applied rate of all other effects is outside of a specified interval. The interval is defined by the `FlatAttributeChange` object that has its `type` member set to `Fallback`. Upper and lower bounds are `[min_change_rate,max_change_rate]` (continuous effects) and `[min_change_value,max_change_value]` (discrete effects). The fallback effect is also evaluated if no other `FlatAttributeChange` effect is present or matched to any resistances. However, fallback effects still needs to be matched against a resistance object with `type` set to `Fallback`. For example, effects that utilize fallback can be used to model minimum or maximum damage of a game entity. ## aux.availability_prerequisite.AvailabilityPrerequisite ```python AvailabilityPrerequisite(Entity): mode : bool ``` *This object is part of a mechanic for unlocking game entities (see `CreatableGameEntity`) through specifying a set of requirements.* (TODO: explain) Generalization object for a condition that can be either true or false. **mode** Determines whether the condition defined by the prerequisite should be negated. * `mode = true`: The prerequisite must be true * `mode = false`: The prerequisite must be false. ## aux.availability_prerequisite.type.TechResearched ```python TechResearched(AvailabilityPrerequisite): tech : Tech ``` Is true when the technology has been researched by the player. **tech** The technology that has to be researched. ## aux.availability_prerequisite.type.GameEntityProgress ```python GameEntityProgress(AvailabilityPrerequisite): game_entity : GameEntity status ยด : ProgressStatus ``` Is true when an instance of a game entity owned by the player has reached a certain progress. **game_entity** The game entity that should have progressed this far. **status** Current status of a game entity as a `ProgressStatus` object. ## aux.availability_requirement.AvailabilityRequirement ```python AvailabilityRequirement(Entity): requirements : set(AvailabilityPrerequisite) ``` *This object is part of a mechanic for unlocking game entities (see `CreatableGameEntity`) through specifying a set of requirements.* (TODO: explain) To evaluate to `true`, all of the `Prerequisites` in the `AvailabilityRequirement` must be true as well. **requirements** A number of prerequisites that can be true or false. If all of the prerequisites are true, the availability requirement is fulfilled. ## aux.cheat.Cheat ```python Cheat(Entity): activation_message : text display_message : text changes : orderedset(Patch) ``` Cheats are a predefined gameplay change, often in favor and to the amusement of the player. They are deactivated by default in multiplayer. Advanced cheating behavior can be realized by attaching scripts to the `Cheat` object. **activation_message** The activation message that has to be typed into the chat console. **display_message** The displayed message after the cheat is activated as a `TranslatedString`. **changes** Changes to API objects. ## aux.civilization.Civilization ```python Civilization(Entity): name : TranslatedString description : TranslatedMarkupFile long_description : TranslatedMarkupFile leader_names : set(TranslatedString) modifiers : set(Modifier) starting_resources : set(ResourceAmount) civ_setup : orderedset(Patch) ``` Civilization customize the base state of the game for a player. This includes availability of units, buildings and techs as well as changing their abilities and modifiers plus their individual members. **name** The name of the civilization as a translatable string. **description** A description of the civilization as a translatable markup file. **long_description** A longer description of the civilization as a translatable markup file. Used for the tech tree help of the civilization. **leader_names** Names for the leader of the civilizations that are displayed with the score. **modifiers** Modifiers for game entities of the civilization. By default, these modifiers apply to **all** game entities belonging to the player. For example, an `AttributeModifier` with `multiplier = 1.2` for the attribute `Health` will increase the maximum HP of every unit owned by the player by 20\%. If you want the modifier to only affect specific game entities, you have to use `ScopedModifier` or assign `Modifier` objects to individual game entities using `civ_setup`. **starting_resources** The resources of the civilization at the start of a game. **civ_setup** Customizes the base state of the game through patches. Any members and objects can be patched. Normal `Patch` objects will only be applied to the player. To apply patches to other player with specific diplomatic stances, use `DiplomaticPatch`. ## aux.container_type.SendToContainerType ```python SendToContainerType(Entity): ``` Used by `SendToContainer` effects and resistances for matching. ## aux.convert_type.ConvertType ```python ConvertType(Entity): ``` Used by `Convert` effects and resistances for matching. ## aux.cost.Cost ```python Cost(Entity): payment_mode : PaymentMode ``` Generalization object for resource and attribute costs. **payment_mode** Determines when the costs have to be payed as `PaymentMode` objects. ## aux.cost.type.AttributeCost ```python AttributeCost(Cost): amount : set(AttributeAmount) ``` Defines the cost as an amount of attribute points that is removed from the game entity's current attribute value. **amount** Amounts of attribute points as `AttributeAmount` objects. ## aux.cost.type.ResourceCost ```python ResourceCost(Cost): amount : set(ResourceAmount) ``` Defines the cost as an amount of resources that is removed from the player's resource pool. **amount** Amounts of resources as `ResourceAmount` objects. ## aux.create.CreatableGameEntity ```python CreatableGameEntity(Entity): game_entity : GameEntity cost : Cost creation_time : float creation_sound : Sound requirements : set(AvailabilityRequirement) placement_mode : PlacementMode ``` Defines preconditions, placement and spawn configurations for a new instance of a game entity created by a `Create` ability. **game_entity** Reference to the `GameEntity` object that is spawned. **cost** Resource amount spent to initiate creation. Cancelling the creation results in a refund of the spent resources. **creation_time** Time until the game entity is spawned from the creating game entity. **creation_sound** Sounds that are played on creating an instance of the game entity. **requirements** A set of requirements that unlock the creatable game entity for the creating game entity. Only one requirement needs to be fulfilled to trigger the unlock. If the set is empty, the game entity is considered available from the start for the creating game entity. **placement_mode** Decides where and how the game entity instance is spawned as a `PlacementMode` object. ## aux.death_condition.DeathCondition ```python DeathCondition(Entity): ``` Generalization object for all death conditions that are usable by the `Die` ability. ## aux.death_condition.type.AttributeInterval ```python AttributeInterval(DeathCondition): attribute : Attribute min_value : optional(AttributeAmount) max_value : optional(AttributeAmount) ``` Triggers when the current attribute value of a game entity is outside of a defined interval. At least one of the members `min_value` and `max_value` has to be set. **attribute** Attribute of the game entity. **min_value** Lower bound of the interval. If the current attribute value is *lower than or equal to* (<=) this bound, the condition will trigger. **max_value** Upper bound of the interval. If the current attribute value is *greater than or equal to* (>=) this bound, the condition will trigger. ## aux.death_condition.type.ProjectileHit ```python ProjectileHit(DeathCondition): ``` Triggers when a game entity hitbox collides with that of another game entity. ## aux.death_condition.type.ProjectileHitTerrain ```python ProjectileHitTerrain(DeathCondition): ``` Triggers when a game entity's hitbox collides with the terrain of the map. ## aux.death_condition.type.ProjectilePassThrough ```python ProjectilePassThrough(DeathCondition): pass_through_range : int ``` Triggers when the distance to the spawn location of the game entity becomes greater than a defined value. **pass_through_range** Distance to the spawn location. Only (x,y) coordinates are considered. ## aux.despawn_condition.DespawnCondition ```python DespawnCondition(Entity): ``` Generalization object for all despawn conditions that are usable by the `Despawn` ability. ## aux.despawn_condition.type.ResourceSpotsDepleted ```python ResourceSpotsDepleted(DespawnCondition): only_enabled : bool ``` Triggers when all resource spots in `Harvestable` abilities have been depleted. **only_enabled** The condition only considers resource spots of enabled `Harvestable` abilities. ## aux.despawn_condition.type.Timer ```python Timer(DespawnCondition): time : float ``` Triggers after a specified amount of time has passed after the `Despawn` ability has been activated. If the `Despawn` ability is disabled before the timer has finished, it will be reset. **time** Time that has to pass after the activation of the corresponding `Despawn` ability. ## aux.diplomatic_stance.DiplomaticStance ```python DiplomaticStance(Entity): ``` Generalization object for diplomatic stances that can be used for diplomacy ingame. Diplomatic stances also define which player can use the abilities, modifiers and effects of a game entity. ## aux.diplomatic_stance.type.Self ```python Self(DiplomaticStance): ``` The diplomatic stance of a player towards themselves. ## aux.dropoff_type.DropoffType ```python DropoffType(Entity): ``` Used for calculating the effectiveness over distance of `AreaEffect`s and `Accuracy` of projectiles. The dropoff modifier is always relational to the maximum range. ## aux.dropoff_type.type.InverseLinear ```python InverseLinear(DropoffType): ``` The effectiveness starts at 0\% (for zero distance) and linearly increases to 100\% (for maximum distance). ## aux.dropoff_type.type.Linear ```python Linear(DropoffType): ``` The effectiveness starts at 100\% (for zero distance) and linearly decreases to 0\% (for maximum distance). ## aux.dropoff_type.type.NoDropoff ```python NoDropoff(DropoffType): ``` The effectiveness is constant and independent from the range to the target. ## aux.exchange_mode.ExchangeMode ```python ExchangeMode(Entity): ``` Generalization object for exchange modes of the `ExchangeResource` ability. ## aux.exchange_mode.type.Fixed ```python Fixed(ExchangeMode): ``` Applies no additional rules to the ability. ## aux.exchange_mode.volatile.Volatile ```python Volatile(ExchangeMode): source_min_amount : int source_max_amount : int target_min_amount : int target_max_amount : int scope : optional(ExchangeScope) ``` Generalization object for *volatile* exchange modes. Adjusts the transferred resource amounts after every transaction. **source_min_amount** Lower bound for the source resource amount. **source_max_amount** Upper bound for the source resource amount. **target_max_amount** Upper bound for the source resource amount. **target_max_amount** Upper bound for the target resource amount. **scope** An optional scope for which the adjustments are made. When a scope is defined, the transferred resource amounts are changed for *all* abilities that reference the same scope object in their exchange mode. ## aux.exchange_mode.volatile.VolatileFlat ```python VolatileFlat(Volatile): change_source_amount : int change_target_amount : int ``` Changes the transferred resource amounts by a fixed amount after every transaction. **change_source_amount** Changes the current source resource amount by this value. **change_target_amount** Changes the current target resource amount by this value. ## aux.exchange_scope.ExchangeScope ```python ExchangeScope(Entity): ``` Generalization object for volatile exchange modes. ## aux.formation.Formation ```python Formation(Entity): subformations : set(Subformation) ``` Organizational structure for multiple game entities. **subformations** Subdivisions of the formation. Game entities are sorted into one of the subformations. ## aux.formation.Subformation ```python Subformation(Entity): ``` Subdivision of a formation. It defines the structure and placement of game entities when the formation is formed. ## aux.formation.PrecedingSubformation ```python PrecedingSubformation(Entity): precedes : Subformation ``` Links the individual subformations of a formation together. By using this object, the subformations form a linked list that represents their order in the parent formation. **precedes** Subformation that should be in front of this subformation. ## aux.game_entity.GameEntity ```python GameEntity(Entity): types : set(GameEntityType) variants : set(Variant) abilities : set(Ability) modifiers : set(Modifier) ``` For definition of all ingame objects, including units, buildings, items, projectiles and ambience. Their capabilities are handled through `Ability` and `Modifier` API objects stored in the members. **types** Classification of the game entity via `GameEntityType` objects. **variants** Variants can alter the game entity before they are created. The requirement and extent of the changes depends on the `Variant` object. **abilities** Define what the game entity *does* and *is* through `Ability` objects. **modifiers** Change the stats of abilities belonging to the game entity. Mostly used to give boni or mali in certain situations (see `Modifier`). ## aux.game_entity.type.Ambient ```python Ambient(GameEntity): ``` Specialization of `GameEntity` for objects in the scenery (cliffs, rocks, trees). ## aux.game_entity.type.Building ```python Building(GameEntity): ``` Specialization of `GameEntity` for buildable objects. ## aux.game_entity.type.BuildingPart ```python BuildingPart(Building): offset_x : int offset_y : int ``` A subpart of a `MultiPartBuilding`. Works essentially like any other `Building` game entity. **offset_x** Offset on the x-axis relative to the `MultiPartBuilding` container. **offset_y** Offset on the y-axis relative to the `MultiPartBuilding` container. ## aux.game_entity.type.MultiPartBuilding ```python MultiPartBuilding(Building): building_parts : set(BuildingPart) ``` A building that also is container for several other buildings with own abilities and modifiers. **building_parts** The buildings managed by the container (see `BuildingPart`). ## aux.game_entity.type.Item ```python Item(GameEntity): ``` Specialization of `GameEntity` for items. ## aux.game_entity.type.Unit ```python Unit(GameEntity): ``` Specialization of `GameEntity` for military and civilian units. ## aux.game_entity_formation.GameEntityFormation ```python GameEntityFormation(Entity): formation : Formation subformation : Subformation ``` Defines a placement in a formation for the `Formation` ability. **formation** The formation the game entity is placed in. **subformation** Subformation inside the subformation that the game entity is inserted into. ## aux.game_entity_stance.GameEntityStance ```python GameEntityStance(Entity): ability_preference : orderedset(Ability) type_preference : orderedset(GameEntityType) ``` Generalization object for activity stances for the `GameEntityStance` ability. **ability_preference** The abilities which the game entity will execute or search targets for. Their order in the set defines the priority of usage. **type_preference** Determines which game entity types are prioritized as targets. Their order in the set defines the priority of usage. Game entities with types that are not in the set will be ignored. ## aux.game_entity_stance.type.Aggressive ```python Aggressive(GameEntityStance): ``` The game entity will use ranged abilities or move to the nearest target in its line of sight to use other abilities. If the target gets out of the line of sight, the game entity searches for a new target. When no new target can be found, the game entity stops moving and returns to an idle state. ## aux.game_entity_stance.type.Defensive ```python Defensive(GameEntityStance): ``` The game entity will use ranged abilities or move to the nearest target in its line of sight to use other abilities. If the target gets out of range or the line of sight, the game entity searches for a new target. When no new target can be found, the game entity returns to its original position and returns to an idle state. ## aux.game_entity_stance.type.StandGround ```python StandGround(GameEntityStance): ``` The game entity will stay at its current position. ## aux.game_entity_stance.type.Passive ```python Passive(GameEntityStance): ``` The game entity will stay at its current position and only reacts to manual commands given by players. Abilities in `ability_preference` will be ignored. ## aux.graphics.Animation ```python Animation(Entity): sprite : file ``` Points to a openage sprite definition file in the `.sprite` format. The specified animation can be used by `AnimatedAbility` objects. ## aux.graphics.Terrain ```python Terrain(Entity): sprite : file ``` Points to a openage terrain definition file in the `.terrain` format. This object is used by the `terrain.Terrain` object that defines properties of ingame terrain. ## aux.language.Language ```python Language(Entity): ietf_string : text ``` A language definition. Languages are used for translated strings, markup files and sounds. **ietf_string** The IETF identification tag of the language. [See here](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4646) for more information on how the tags are established. ## aux.language.LanguageMarkupPair ```python LanguageMarkupPair(Entity): language : Language markup_file : file ``` Defines the translation of a longer text from a markup file in a certain language. **language** The language used in the markup file. **markup_file** File descriptor of the markup file. Has to be relative to the `.nyan` file where the `LanguageMarkupPair` is defined. ## aux.language.LanguageSoundPair ```python LanguageSoundPair(Entity): language : Language sound : Sound ``` Defines the translation of a sound in a certain language. **language** The language used for the sound. **sound** References the `Sound` object for the translation. ## aux.language.LanguageTextPair ```python LanguageTextPair(Entity): language : Language string : text ``` Defines the translation of a string in a certain language. **language** The language used for the string. **string** The translated string. ## aux.lure_type.LureType ```python LureType(Entity): ``` Used by `Lure` effects and resistances for matching. ## aux.mod.Mod ```python Mod(Entity): patches : orderedset(Patch) ``` A set of patches that will be automatically applied when the modpack is loaded. It is recommended to only use one `Mod` object per modpack since the correct order of patches cannot be guaranteed otherwise. **patches** Changes the game state through patches. Any members and objects can be patched. Every `Patch` will be applied to all players. `DiplomaticPatch` objects will also be applied to all players. ## aux.modifier_scope.ModifierScope ```python ModifierScope(Entity): ``` Generalization object for scopes of a `ScopeModifier` object. ## aux.modifier_scope.type.GameEntityScope ```python GameEntityScope(ModifierScope): affected_types : set(GameEntityType) blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity) ``` Defines a scope of game entities the modifier should apply to. **affected_types** Whitelist of game entity types that the modifier should apply to. **blacklisted_game_entities** Blacklist for specific game entities that would be covered by `affected_types`, but should be excplicitly excluded. ## aux.modifier_scope.type.Standard ```python Standard(ModifierScope): ``` Makes the modifier behave as if standard rules would apply, i.e. as if the modifier had no `ScopeModifier` specialization type. ## aux.move_mode.MoveMode ```python MoveMode(Entity): ``` Generalization object for move modes for the `Move` ability. ## aux.move_mode.type.AttackMove ```python AttackMove(MoveMode): ``` Move to a position on the map. Stances from `GameEntityStance` ability are considered during movement. ## aux.move_mode.type.Follow ```python Follow(MoveMode): range : float ``` Follow another game entity at a defined range. The movement speed is adjusted to the followed game entity, but cannot go higher than the `speed` value from `Move`. Stances from `GameEntityStance` ability are ignored during movement. Following is stopped when the followed game entity gets out of the line of sight of the following game entity. **range** The range at which the other game entity is followed. ## aux.move_mode.type.Normal ```python AttackMove(MoveMode): ``` Move to a position on the map. Stances from `GameEntityStance` ability are ignored during movement. ## aux.move_mode.type.Patrol ```python Patrol(MoveMode): ``` Lets player set two or more waypoints that the game entity will follow. Stances from `GameEntityStance` ability are considered during movement. ## aux.patch.Patch ```python Patch(Entity): ``` Generalization object for all nyan patches. Let nyan patches inherit from this object to make them usable for the openage API. ## aux.patch.type.DiplomaticPatch ```python DiplomaticPatch(Patch): stances : set(DiplomaticStance) ``` A patch that is applied to all players that have the specified diplomatic stances from the viewpoint of the patch's initiator. **stances** The diplomatic stances of the players the patch should apply to. ## aux.payment_mode.PaymentMode ```python PaymentMode(Entity): ``` Generalization object for the payment options of a `Cost` object. ## aux.payment_mode.type.Adaptive ```python Adaptive(PaymentMode): ``` The cost is handled as *running costs*. Payment is progressive (relative to a value, e.g. time) while an action is executed. The action halts if the costs cannot be payed anymore. ## aux.payment_mode.type.Advance ```python Advance(PaymentMode): ``` The cost is handled as *payment in advance*. Actions require payment first before they can be executed. ## aux.payment_mode.type.Arrear ```python Arrear(PaymentMode): ``` The cost is handled as *payment in arrear*. Actions that require payment are executed first and payed afterwards. ## aux.placement_mode.PlacementMode ```python PlacementMode(Entity): ``` Generalization object for all placement modes that are configurable for a `CreatableGameEntity` object. ## aux.placement_mode.type.Eject ```python Eject(PlacementMode): ``` The game entity is ejected from the creating game entity. Ejecting considers the game entity's `Hitbox`, `TileRequirement` and `TerrainRequirement` abilities for the ejection location. ## aux.placement_mode.type.Place ```python Place(PlacementMode): allow_rotation : bool ``` The game entity can be placed on the map after its creation. Placement considers the game entity's `Hitbox`, `TileRequirement` and `TerrainRequirement` abilities for the placement location. **allow_rotation** The player can cycle through the `PerspectiveVariant` variants of the game entity before placement. ## aux.progress.Progress ```python Progress(Entity): progress : int ``` Generalization object for progression types. Certain properties of a game entity can progress from 0% to 100%. These are for example construction or harvesting progress. `Progress` objects can define what happens at after a property has reached a specific point of progress. A `Progress` object is always tied to an ability. Specializations: * `AnimatedProgress`: Overrides the animation of an ability. * `TerrainProgress`: Changes the underlying terrain of the game entity. * `TerrainOverlayProgress`: Changes terrain overlays of a game entity. * `StateChangeProgress`: Alters the base abilities and modifiers of the game entity through `StateChanger` objects. **progress** An integer between 0 and 100 that represents the percentage of progress after which the progress object is used. ## aux.progress.specialization.AnimatedProgress ```python AnimatedProgress(Progress): progress_sprite : AnimationOverride ``` Overrides the animation of an ability when the specified progress has been reached. **progress_sprite** The new animation as an `AnimationOverride` object. ## aux.progress.specialization.StateChangeProgress ```python StateChangeProgress(Progress): state_change : StateChanger ``` Alters the base abilities and modifiers of a game entity when the specified progress has been reached. **state_change** The state modifications as a `StateChanger` object. ## aux.progress.specialization.TerrainOverlayProgress ```python TerrainOverlayProgress(Progress): terrain_overlay : Terrain ``` Changes overlayed terrain of a game entity when the specified progress has been reached. The game entity needs an enabled `OverlayTerrain` ability for this to work. **terrain** Overrides the overlayed terrain of the currently enabled `OverlayTerrain` ability of the game entity. The override stops when another terrain overlay override is initiated, the overridden `OverlayTerrain` ability is deactivated or the override terrain is the same as the default overlayed terrain of the ability. ## aux.progress.specialization.TerrainProgress ```python TerrainProgress(Progress): terrain : Terrain ``` Changes the underlying terrain of a game entity when the specified progress has been reached. **terrain** The new terrain that will be permanently placed under the game entity. ## aux.progress.type.CarryProgress ```python CarryProgress(Progress): ``` Monitors the occupied storage space of a `Storage` or `Gather` ability. An empty storage has a progress of 0\% and a full storage a progress of 100\%. ## aux.progress.type.ConstructionProgress ```python ConstructionProgress(Progress): ``` Monitors the construction progress of a game entity with `Contructable` ability. An unconstructed game entity has a progress of 0\% and a fully constructed game entity a progress of 100\%. ## aux.progress.type.DamageProgress ```python DamageProgress(Progress): ``` Compares the current attribute value in relation to the `max_value` of an attribute of a game entity. The `Progress` objects are stored in a `Damageable` ability which specifies the type of attribute that is monitored. When the attribute value is equal to `max_value` of the attribute defined by the game entity, the progress is 0\%. Once the attribute value reaches the `min_value`, the progress is 100\%. ## aux.progress.type.HarvestProgress ```python HarvestProgress(Progress): ``` Monitors the harvesting progress of a resource spot stored by a `Harvestable` ability. A resource spot with full capacity has a progress of 0\% and a fully harvested resource spot a progress of 100\%. ## aux.progress.type.RestockProgress ```python RestockProgress(Progress): ``` Monitors the restock progress of a restockable resource spot stored by a `Harvestable` ability. The restocking progress is initiated by the `Restock` ability of another game entity. At the start of the restocking process, the progress is 0\%. After the restocking has finished, the progress is 100\%. Restocking progress is only tracked between the start and end of restock process. Therefore, state changes initiated by `RestockProgress` objects of type `StateChangerProgress` will be deactivated after the progress reaches 100\%. ## aux.progress.type.TransformProgress ```python TransformProgress(Progress): ``` Monitors the progress of a transformation initiated by a `TransformTo` ability. At the start of the transformation, the progress is 0\%. After the transformation has finished, the progress is 100\%. Transformation progress is only tracked between the start and end of transformation. Therefore, state changes initiated by `TransformProgress` objects of type `StateChangerProgress` will be deactivated after the progress reaches 100\%. ## aux.progress_status.ProgressStatus ```python ProgressStatus(Entity): progress_type : ProgressType progress : float ``` Generalization object for progress status objects required by `GameEntityProgress`. **progress_type** The type of progress. **progress** Minimum amount of progress that has to be reached. ## aux.progress_type.ProgressType ```python ProgressType(Entity): ``` Used by `Convert` effects and resistances for matching. ## aux.progress_type.type.Construct ```python Construct(ProgressType): ``` A progress type that covers construction progress. ## aux.research.ResearchableTech ```python ResearchableTech(Entity): tech : Tech cost : Cost research_time : float research_sound : Sound requirements : set(AvailabilityRequirement) ``` Defines preconditions for researching a technology with the `Research` ability. **tech** Reference to the `Tech` object that is researched. **cost** Resource amount spent to initiate the research. Cancelling the research results in a refund of the spent resources. **research_time** Time until the `Tech` object's patches are applied. **research_sound** Sounds that are played when the research finishes. **requirements** A set of requirements that unlock the technology for the researching game entity. Only one requirement needs to be fulfilled to trigger the unlock. If the set is empty, the technology is considered available from the start for the researching game entity. ## aux.resource.Resource ```python Resource(Entity): name : TranslatedString max_storage : int ``` Defines a resource that can be used in the game. Adding a resources will give an amount of 0 of that resource to all players. The current amount of resources can be influenced by the abilities and modifiers of game entities. **name** The name of the resource as a translatable string. **max_storage** Maximum amount of resources that can be stored at a time by the player. ## aux.resource.ResourceContingent ```python ResourceContingent(Resource): min_amount : int max_amount : int ``` A `Resource` that creates a *contingent* which is temporarily usable by game entities. The size of the contingent is determined by two values: * Static amounts can be acquired like normal resources * Temporary amounts that can be provided by game entities with `ProvideContingent` By using the contingent (see `UseContingent` ability), the current amount of resources is not reduced. Instead, the game entity will reserve parts of the contingent until it loses the ability or dies. When the whole contingent is reserved, no more game entities using it can be created. Contingents can be utilized to implement mechanics like Population Space (AoE2) or Supply (Starcraft). Note that it is also allowed to spend the static amounts determining the contingent size like normal resources. **min_amount** The minimum contingent size. Static and temporary amounts will be added to this value. **max_amount** The maximum contingent size. ## aux.resource.ResourceAmount ```python ResourceAmount(Entity): type : Resource amount : int ``` A fixed amount of a certain resource. **type** The resource. **amount** Amount of the resource. ## aux.resource.ResourceRate ```python ResourceRate(Entity): type : Resource rate : float ``` A per-second rate of a certain resource. **type** The resource. **rate** Rate of the resource. ## aux.resource_spot.ResourceSpot ```python ResourceSpot(Entity): resource : Resource capacity : int starting_amount : int decay_rate : float harvest_progress : set(HarvestProgress) gatherer_limit : int harvestable_by_default : bool ``` Amount of resources that is gatherable through the `Harvestable` ability of a game entity. **resource** Type of resource that can be harvested. **capacity** Maximum resource capacity of the resource spot. **starting_amount** Gatherable amount when the resource spot is created. **decay_rate** Determines how much resources are lost each second after the resource spot is activated (see `harvestable_by_default` for details). **harvest_progress** Can alter the game entity the resource spot belongs to after certain percentages of the resource amount are harvested. **gatherer_limit** Limits the amount of gatherers that can access the resource spot simultaneously. **harvestable_by_default** Determines whether the resource spot is harvestable when it is created. If `true`, the resource spot will be accessible without any conditions as long as the corresponding `Harvestable` ability of the game entity is enabled. When set to false, the resource spot must be activated with a `MakeHarvestable` effect. The conditions under which the activation succeeds are decided by the `MakeHarvestable` resistance of the game entity the resource spot belongs to. ## aux.resource_spot.RestockableResourceSpot ```python RestockableResourceSpot(ResourceSpot): destruction_time_limit : float restock_progress : set(RestockProgress) ``` Resource spot that can be restocked after the contained resource amount reaches 0. **destruction_time_limit** Time until the resource spot is made permanently inaccessible. Afterwards, restocking is impossible. **restock_progress** Can alter the game entity the resource spot belongs to after certain percentages of the resource amount are restocked. ## aux.sound.Sound ```python Sound(Entity): play_delay : float sounds : orderedset(file) ``` A collection of sound files that can be played by abilities of a game entity. **play_delay** Delay when the sound loops. **sounds** A set of sound files that are played in the order they are stored in the set. ## aux.state_machine.StateChanger ```python StateChanger(Entity): enable_abilities : set(Ability) disable_abilities : set(Ability) enable_modifiers : set(Modifier) disable_modifiers : set(Modifier) priority : int ``` State changes alter the *base state* of a game entity which is defined by the abilities and modifiers stored in a `GameEntity` object. They are allowed to enable new and disable existing abilities as well as modifiers. Multiple state changes can be applied at once. Only abilities and modifiers with a priority *lower than or equal to* (<=) the one defined in the `StateChanger` object will be disabled. **enable_abilities** A set of abilities that are enabled when the state change is active. **disable_abilities** A set of abilities that are disabled when the state change is active and the abilities have a priority *lower than or equal to* (<=) the `priority` in the disabling `StateChanger` object. **enable_modifiers** A set of modifiers that are enabled when the state change is active. **disable_modifiers** A set of modifiers that are disabled when the state change is active and the modifiers have a priority *lower than or equal to* (<=) the `priority` in the disabling `StateChanger` object. **priority** Priority of a state change. The value can be negative. Abilities and modifiers belonging to the base state have an implicit priority of 0. ## aux.storage.Container ```python Container(Entity): storage_elements : set(StorageElement) slots : int carry_progress : set(CarryProgress) ``` Used by the `Storage` ability to store definitions of how the stored game entities influence the storing game entity. **storage_elements** Contains the definitions for handling stored game entities as `StorageElement` objects. **slots** Defines how many slots for game entities the container has. Multiple game entities may be stacked in one slot depending on the `elements_per_slot` member in `StorageElement`. **carry_progress** A set of `CarryProgress` objects that can activate state changes and animation overrides when the container is filled. ## aux.storage.StorageElement ```python StorageElement(Entity): storage_element : GameEntity elements_per_slot : int conflicts : set(StorageElement) state_change : StateChanger ``` Defines how a stored game entity influences its storing game entity. **storage_element** The stored game entity to which this definition applies. **elements_per_slot** Defines how many game entities of the type referenced in `storage_element` can be stacked in one slot. **conflicts** A set of storage elements which cannot be in the container at the same time as this storage element. **state_change** Alters the base abilities and modifiers of the storing game entity when at least one game entity of the type referenced in `storage_element` is present in the container. ## aux.target_mode.TargetMode ```python TargetMode(Entity): ``` Generalization object for target modes used by projectiles. ## aux.target_mode.type.CurrentPosition ```python CurrentPosition(TargetMode): ``` Makes the projectile path end at the current position of the target when the projectile spawned. ## aux.target_mode.type.ExpectedPosition ```python ExpectedPosition(TargetMode): ``` Makes the projectile path end at the position where the target is expected to be when the projectile is supposed to hit it. ## aux.taunt.Taunt ```python Taunt(Entity): activation_message : text display_message : TranslatedString sound : Sound ``` A predefined message players can send to each other. **activation_message** The activation message that has to be typed into the chat console. **display_message** The displayed message after the taunt is activated as a `TranslatedString`. **sound** Sounds that are played after the taunt is activated. ## aux.tech.Tech ```python Tech(Entity): name : TranslatedString description : TranslatedMarkupFile long_description : TranslatedMarkupFile updates : orderedset(Patch) ``` An object that can apply changes through patching. It follows the standard implementation from most other strategy games. The `Tech` object only stores the patches that change the game state, while cost, research time, and requirements are decided by the `Research` ability of a game entity. By default, technologies can only be applied once and researched by one game entity at a time. Afterwards, the engine sets a flag that the `Tech` was applied and automatically forbids researching it again. **name** The name of the technology as a translatable string. **description** A description of the technology as a translatable markup file. **long_description** A longer description of the technology as a translatable markup file. **updates** Changes the game state through patches. Any members and objects can be patched. Normal `Patch` objects will only be applied to the player. To apply patches to other player with specific diplomatic stances, use `DiplomaticPatch`. ## aux.terrain.Terrain ```python Terrain(Entity): name : TranslatedString terrain_graphic : Terrain sound : Sound allowed_types : set(GameEntityType) blacklisted_game_entities : set(GameEntity) ambience : set(TerrainAmbient) ``` Terrains define the properties of the ground which the game entities are placed on. **name** The name of the terrain as a translatable string. **terrain_graphic** Texture of the terrain (see `Terrain`). openage uses 3D terrain on which the texture is painted on. **sound** Ambient sound played when the camera of the player is looking onto the terrain. **allowed_types** Game entities that have one of the specified types (see `GameEntityType`) are allowed to traverse or be placed on the terrain. **blacklisted_game_entities** Used to blacklist game entities that have one of the types listed in `allowed_types`, but must not traverse or be placed on the terrain. **ambience** Defines ambient objects placed on the terrain through a set of `TerrainAmbient` objects. ## aux.terrain.TerrainAmbient ```python TerrainAmbient(Entity): object : Ambient max_density : int ``` An ambient game entity that is placed randomly on a chunk of terrain (10x10 tiles). **object** The game entity placed on the terrain. **max_density** Defines how many ambient objects are allowed to be placed on a chunk at maximum. ## aux.trade_route.TradeRoute ```python TradeRoute(Entity): trade_resource : Resource start_trade_post : GameEntity end_trade_post : GameEntity ``` Generalization object that defines a trade route between two game entities. **trade_resource** Resource that is traded on this trade route. The traded amount depends on the trade route type. **start_trade_post** The game entity where the traded resource is collected. The game entity must have a `TradePost` ability that contains this `TradeRoute` object. **end_trade_post** The game entity the traded resource is delivered to. The game entity must have a `TradePost` ability that contains this `TradeRoute` object. ## aux.trade_route.type.AoE1TradeRoute ```python AoE1TradeRoute(Entity): exchange_resources : set(Resource) trade_amount : int ``` Uses Age of Empires 1 rules for trading. **exchange_resources** The trading game entity exchanges `trade_amount` of a selected resource in this set by `trade_amount` of the resource defined by `trade_resource`. **trade_amount** Amount of resources traded each time. ## aux.trade_route.type.AoE2TradeRoute ```python AoE2TradeRoute(Entity): ``` Uses Age of Empires 2 rules for trading. The trading game entity chooses the nearest possible `end_trade_post` from the `start_trade_post`. Calculation of the traded resource amount is based on this formula: ```math trade\_amount = 0.46 \cdot tiles\_distance \cdot ((tiles\_distance / map\_size) + 0.3) ``` ## aux.translated.TranslatedObject ```python TranslatedObject(Entity): ``` Generalization object for any objects that are or should be different depending on the language. Currently we support translations for strings, markup files and sounds. ## aux.translated.type.TranslatedMarkupFile ```python TranslatedMarkupFile(TranslatedObject): translations : set(LanguageMarkupPair) ``` The translated versions of a longer text stored in markup files. **translations** All translations of the markup files as language-file pairs (see `LanguageMarkupPair`). ## aux.translated.type.TranslatedSound ```python TranslatedSound(TranslatedObject): translations : set(LanguageSoundPair) ``` The translated versions of a sound. **translations** All translations of the sound as language-sound pairs (see `LanguageSoundPair`). ## aux.translated.type.TranslatedString ```python TranslatedString(TranslatedObject): translations : set(LanguageTextPair) ``` The translated versions of a string. **translations** All translations of the string as language-text pairs (see `LanguageTextPair`). ## aux.variant.Variant ```python Variant(Entity): changes : orderedset(Patch) priority : int ``` Variants can change the game entity when it is created. When variants are chosen depends on their type. **changes** The changes to the game entity as a set of patches. Only the created game entity is affected. **priority** When many variants are chosen, this member influences the order in which the patches from their `changes` member are applied. Patches from variants with higher priority value are applied first. ## aux.variant.type.AdjacentTilesVariant ```python AdjacentTilesVariant(Variant): north : optional(GameEntity) north_east : optional(GameEntity) east : optional(GameEntity) south_east : optional(GameEntity) south : optional(GameEntity) south_west : optional(GameEntity) west : optional(GameEntity) north_west : optional(GameEntity) ``` A variant that is chosen based on adjacent game entities. Both the created game entity and the adjacent game entities must have the `TileRequirement` ability. From all `AdjacentVariant` variants the one with the most matches in all directions is chosen. **north** The desired game entity north of the created game entity. Does not have to be set. **north_east** The desired game entity north-east of the created game entity. Does not have to be set. **east** The desired game entity east of the created game entity. Does not have to be set. **south_east** The desired game entity south-east of the created game entity. Does not have to be set. **south** The desired game entity south of the created game entity. Does not have to be set. **south_west** The desired game entity south-west of the created game entity. Does not have to be set. **west** The desired game entity west of the created game entity. Does not have to be set. **north_west** The desired game entity north-west of the created game entity. Does not have to be set. ## aux.variant.type.RandomVariant ```python RandomVariant(Variant): chance_share : float ``` From all variants of this type in the `variants` member of the game entity, one will be picked at random. **chance_share** The relative chance of the variant to be picked. Note that this is **not** a percentage chance. The value defines how likely it is for the variant to be chosen relative to the other `RandomVariant` objects. **Example:** * Random variant 1 with `chance_share = 1.0` * Random variant 2 with `chance_share = 4.0` The second variant is four times as likely to be picked. The absolute chances are: * Random variant 1: 20\% * Random variant 2: 80\% ## aux.variant.type.PerspectiveVariant ```python PerspectiveVariant(Variant): angle : int ``` Variant depending on the placement angle of the game entity. Currently only works with the `PlacementMode` of type `Place` with the `allow_ratation` member set to true. **angle** Angle of the game entity. An angle of *0* points to the south-west direction.