# Interface ## interface enhancements As opposed to the gameplay improvements, these interface enhancements are pretty straightforward, so they will probably be hard-coded in. - Allow selecting more than 30 units (duh.) - Allow more than 10 groups (prefixes?) - Set default behaviour for units - Better re-grouping - Intelligent assigning of new units to existing groups - Sub-group selections - Customizable hotkeys for *everything* - possibility to set rally points on moving units - show a symbol on a unit, which is the target of a conversion (e.g. empire earth) - Zoom - possible options "Zoom in center of screen", "Zoom towards mouse cursor" or "zoom towards selected units" (to figure out what makes sense in which situations) ## after-game stats - by looking at stats it should be clear how many kills were just friendly fire kills (by siege units, deleting idle vills, etc...) and how many were actual opponent kills - what was the lumberjack/farmer/miner/trade cart composition during game - maybe a slider in the timeline trend with MIN/MAX values shown - would be beneficial both to casters and to gamers who wish to improve on their skill - having a concise aftergame analysis tool would be quite welcome