# How to debug openage? ## Qt Creator IDE See [ide.md](/doc/ide.md) ## GDB GDB can be used to debug C++ code in a terminal. To being able to debug with GDB use `./configure` script such as: ``` ./configure --mode=debug --compiler=gcc ``` build the game ``` make ``` Then ``` gdb -ex 'set breakpoint pending on' -ex 'b openage::run_game' -ex run --args run game ``` The game will be paused at the start of the function run_game() located in `libopenage/main.cpp` #### Note: The `run` executable is a compiled version of `run.py` that also embeds the interpreter. The game is intended to be run by `run.py` but it is much easier to debug the `./run` file ### GDBGUI [gdbgui](https://github.com/cs01/gdbgui) is a browser-based frontend for GDB. To install gdbgui in Ubuntu: ``` sudo pip3 install gdbgui --upgrade ``` Then ``` gdbgui ./run ``` The gdbgui web page will be at `` Use the command `run` in the GDB prompt to start debugging