# [0.2.3] - 2014-11-18 All notable changes for version [v0.2.3] are documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) since release [v0.4.0]. Note that not all changes up until [v0.2.3] were tracked, since the project was not available on Github as an SFTtech/openage repository. The commit hiistory can be accessed via the git log though. Feel free to add missing changes to this file, if you have time to look through a thousand commits. ## Added - `gperftools` profiler - Reminder in `contributing.md` to add oneself when contributing for the first time - Toggle HUD drawing with `F1` hotkey - Toggle debug overlay with `F4` hotkey - Add `contributing.md` with basic Pull Request how-to - Add argument '--version' to executable - `.desktop` file and placeholder icon - Include GPL3+ legal headers in code files - Draft for campaign editor - Ideas for AI features - Automatic asset updating with `inotify()` - Include timestamp and numbering in screenshot filename - Version number now displayed in lower left corner - Basic unit behavior - Attack - Move - Gather - A* pathfinding - Build instructions for Ubuntu - Build instructions for Arch Linux - Build instructions for Fedora - Build instructions for OpenSUSE - Build instructions for Mac OS X - Media conversion of AoE2: HD edition (patch 4.3) - Feature demos of engine modules - Add support for extracting `.cab` files ## Changed - Split up game specification code generation - Improve unknown enum value error message - Change hotkeys for screenshot and blending toggle from `KEYDOWN` to `KEYUP` - Load gamedata and UI separately - Rewrite of DRS and SLP documentation files with more info - Move terrain logic to own subfolder - Use "British" as default civ instead of "Gaia" - Change data directory location to `./assets` subfolder - Use $(MAKE) variable in main Makefile instead of explicitely calling `make` - Move platform specific includes to separate header file - Refactor the opusfile CMake rules into own module - Include `termios.h` instead of `termio.h` - Move finding Python in separate CMake module - Better documentation of project architecture structure - Converted documentation to Markdown format - Buildsystem overhaul ## Fixed - Fix `path.cpp` compilation error in mac clang - Fix warnings on 32 bit systems - Divide negatives in renderer correctly - Use platform-independent `gettempdir` instead of `/tmp/` in converter - Play correct building creation and destruction sounds - Add `-Wno-mismatched-tags` flag for llvm builds to prevent Travis warnings - Cleanup of C++ code with `cppcheck` - Fix include of OpenGL headers on OS X systems - Fix reserved identifier violations - Fix ambiguous call to `abs` for llvm compiler - Fix `SDL2_image` include directory hints for OS X systems - Fix inclusion of `pty.h` header - Fix A* for Xcode 6.0 - Fix format specifier for `long long` data types - Add AoE2: HD Edition to supported asset source versions - Fix dead link to `milestones.md` in `development.md` - Fix dead link to `milestones.md` in `tasks.md` - Use capitals for headlines and first word of bullet points - Various horrible typos (#13, #17, #19, #20, #21, #105, #119, #146) ## Full commit log [https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3)