# Package Instructions ## Linux Packages [ ![Download](https://api.bintray.com/packages/simonsan/openage-packages/openage-linux-releases/images/download.svg) ](https://bintray.com/simonsan/openage-packages/openage-linux-releases/_latestVersion) Currently we have only the packages available that you can see at [repology](https://repology.org/project/openage/versions). We are working on *.deb-packaging and AppImages though, you can follow the progress at [bintray](https://bintray.com/simonsan/openage-packages/openage-linux-releases). ## Windows Packages [ ![Release](https://api.bintray.com/packages/simonsan/openage-packages/openage-windows-release/images/download.svg) ](https://bintray.com/simonsan/openage-packages/openage-windows-release/_latestVersion) ### Instructions 1. Download and check [signature](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/simonsan/817cdc5ef5cd5f53875bc52bf4cd7a2f/raw/) 2. Install 3. Set a new environment variable *AGE2DIR* to the path of your Age2-directory. You could also add that in the *openage.bat*-file, if you like. __NOTE:__ We currently support Age2-Versions until HD4.3 and old AoC 1.0c, if you have the last Steam-Version ***read below***. A new converter version comes soon. 4. Double-click *openage.bat* 5. Wait for the conversion of the assets 6. Enjoy ### How to set AoE2HD to Version 4.3 1. Make a backup of your existing Age2HD-folder __NOTE:__ Standard path is `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age2HD` 2. Open Steam library 3. Right-click on "Age of Empires II: HD Edition" and click on `Properties` 4. Go to `Betas` 5. Choose `patch43 - Patch 4.3` 6. Close the window and wait for the download to finish ## Troubleshooting Also consider taking a look into our [Troubleshooting](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/blob/master/doc/troubleshooting.md) guide. Please give ***feedback for potential problems*** in our [Matrix](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#sfttech:matrix.org) channel or on [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/openage/).