[![openage](/assets/logo/banner.png)](http://openage.sft.mx) ============================================================ **openage**: a volunteer project to create a free engine clone of the *Genie Engine* used by *Age of Empires*, *Age of Empires II (HD)* and *Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds*, comparable to projects like [OpenMW](https://openmw.org/), [OpenRA](http://openra.net/), [OpenSAGE](https://github.com/OpenSAGE/OpenSAGE/), [OpenTTD](https://openttd.org/) and [OpenRCT2](https://openrct2.org/). At the moment we focus our efforts on the integration of *Age of Empires II*, while being primarily aimed at POSIX platforms such as **GNU/Linux**. openage uses the original game assets (such as sounds and graphics), but (for obvious reasons) doesn't ship them. To play, you require *an original AoE II : TC installation or [AoE II: HD](http://store.steampowered.com/app/221380/)* (installation via [Wine](https://www.winehq.org/) or [Steam-Linux](doc/media_convert.md#how-to-use-the-original-game-assets)). [![#sfttech on Freenode](https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-on%20freenode-brightgreen)](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=sfttech) [![#sfttech on matrix.org](https://img.shields.io/badge/matrix-%23sfttech-blue.svg)](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#sfttech:matrix.org) [![quality badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/cuteness-overload-orange.svg)](http://www.emergencykitten.com/) Contact ------- Contact | Where? -----------------|------- Issue Tracker | [`SFTtech/openage`](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/issues) Development Blog | [`blog.openage.sft.mx`](https://blog.openage.sft.mx) Forum | [`/r/openage`](https://www.reddit.com/r/openage/) Matrix Chat | [`#sfttech:matrix.org`](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#sfttech:matrix.org) IRC Chat | [`irc.freenode.net #sfttech`](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=sfttech) Money Sink | [![money sink](https://liberapay.com/assets/widgets/donate.svg)](https://liberapay.com/SFTtech) Technical foundation -------------------- Technology | Component ---------------|---------- **C++17** | Engine core **Python3** | Scripting, media conversion, in-game console, code generation **Qt5** | Graphical user interface **Cython** | Glue code **CMake** | Build system **OpenGL3.3** | Rendering, shaders **SDL2** | Cross-platform Audio/Input/Window handling **Opus** | Audio codec [**nyan**](https://github.com/SFTtech/nyan) | Content Configuration and Modding **Humans** | Mixing together all of the above Goals ----- * Fully authentic look and feel * This can only be approximated, since the behaviour of the original game is mostly undocumented, and guessing/experimenting can only get you this close * We will not implement useless artificial limitations (max 30 selectable units...) * Multiplayer (obviously) * Matchmaking and ranking with a [haskell masterserver](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage-masterserver) * Optionally, [improvements](/doc/ideas/) over the original game * AI scripting in Python, you can use [machine learning](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/) * here is some [additional literature](http://www.deeplearningbook.org/) * Re-creating [free game assets](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage-data) * An easily-moddable content format: [**nyan** yet another notation](https://github.com/SFTtech/nyan) * An integrated Python console and API, comparable to [blender](https://www.blender.org/) * Awesome infrastructure such as our own [Kevin CI service](https://github.com/SFTtech/kevin) But beware, for sanity reasons: * No network compatibility with the original game. You really wanna have the same problems again? * No binary compatibility with the original game. A one-way script to convert maps/savegames/missions to openage is planned though. Current State of the Project ---------------------------- - What features are currently implemented? - See [doc/status.md](/doc/status.md). - What's the plan? - See [doc/milestones.md](/doc/milestones.md). We also have [lists of crazy xor good ideas](/doc/ideas) and a [technical overview for requested features](/doc/ideas/fr_technical_overview.md). Installation Packages --------------------- **Supported Platforms:** Linux, Windows 10, MacOS X 10.14 - For **Linux** check at [repology](https://repology.org/project/openage/versions) if your distribution has any packages available or [here](https://bintray.com/simonsan/openage-packages/openage-linux-releases) for any future updates on *.deb and AppImage packages. - For **Windows** check our [release page](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/releases) for the latest installer or [here](https://dl.bintray.com/simonsan/openage-packages/) for nightly builds. __NOTE:__ If you have any problems starting conversion or starting *openage* take a look into the [package instructions](doc/build_instructions/packages.md) and our [troubleshooting guide](/doc/troubleshooting.md). __NOTE:__ For **MacOSX** we don't have packages, but here you can check the the build status [![Build](https://travis-ci.com/simonsan/openage.svg?branch=master)](https://api.travis-ci.com/simonsan/openage.svg?branch=master) We also have building instructions in [here](/doc/build_instructions/os_x_10.14_mojave.md). Dependencies, Building and Running ---------------------------------- - How do I get this to run on my box? - See [doc/building.md](/doc/building.md). - I compiled everything. Now how do I run it? - Execute `./run`. * [The convert script](/doc/media_convert.md) will transform original assets into openage formats, which are a lot saner and more moddable. - Use your brain and react to the things you'll see. - Waaaaaah! It - segfaults - prints error messages I don't want to read - ate my dog All of those are features, not bugs. To turn them off, use `./run --dont-segfault --no-errors --dont-eat-dog`. If this still does not help, try our [troubleshooting guide](/doc/troubleshooting.md), the [contact section](#contact) or the [bug tracker](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/issues). Contributing ------------ * Being typical computer science students, we hate people. * Please don't contact us. * Nobody likes Age of Empires anyway. * None of you is interested in making openage more awesome anyway. * We don't want a community. * Don't even think about trying to help. Guidelines: * No **bug reports** or **feature requests**, the game is perfect as is. * Don't try to **fix any bugs**, see above. * Don't implement any features, your code is crap. * Don't even think about sending a **pull request**. * Please ignore the [easy tasks](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) that [could just be done](https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/issues?q=is:issue+is:open+label:%22just+do+it%22). * Absolutely never ever participate in this [boring community](https://www.reddit.com/r/openage/). * Don't note the irony, you idiot. To prevent accidental violation of one of those guidelines, you should *never* * [learn git](https://git-scm.com/book/) * [fork the repo](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo) * [learn python](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/appetite.html) * [learn c++](http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/) * read the code and documentation * [contribute](/doc/contributing.md) anything to the code * [contact us](#contact) Cheers, happy hecking. Development Process ------------------- What does openage development look like in practice? - extensive [synchronization](#contact)! - [doc/development.md](/doc/development.md). Can I help? - [doc/contributing.md](/doc/contributing.md). All documentation is also in this repo: - Code documentation is embedded in the sources for Doxygen (see [doc readme](/doc/README.md)). - Have a look at the [doc directory](/doc/). This folder tends to outdate when code changes. License ------- **GNU GPLv3** or later; see [copying.md](copying.md) and [legal/GPLv3](/legal/GPLv3). I know that probably nobody is ever gonna look at the `copying.md` file, but if you want to contribute code to openage, please take the time to skim through it and add yourself to the authors list.